Montreal Noir
Akashic Books continues its award-winning series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each book comprises all new stories, each one set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the respective city. Following the success of Toronto Noir, the Noir Series explores new Canadian terrain, featuring both English and Francophone authors. Brand-new stories by: Patrick Senecal, Tess Fragoulis, Howard Shrier, Michel Basilieres, Robert Pobi, Samuel Archibald, Genevieve Lefebvre, Ian Truman, Johanne Seymour, Arjun Basu, Martin Michaud, Melissa Yi, Catherine Mc Kenzie, Peter Kirby, and Brad Smith. From the introduction by John Mc Fetridge & Jacques Filippi: Montreal is one of the oldest cities in North America and seems to be in a constant state of flux, changing its personality every few decades. Today, the city has its own language: Franglais (or Frenglish). Maybe the first word spoken in that language was noir...Perhaps it's fitting that a collection that brings so many of Montreal's cultures together is noir. Much of the city's literary tradition was defined by the two solitudes and most of the works delved deeply into single neighborhoods...This collection, with voices of French and English writers, visits many neighborhoods and combines them into something that is, if not totally coherent, at least as coherent as the beautiful mess that is Montreal...Each neighborhood is different, and of course, each Montrealer (Montrealais) is different, making up the pieces of the mosaic of our city. Some are bright and shiny, others are darker and somber, but all have a shadow in the noir.