Back in our Day
`I'm at that age now where the Topcat TV theme, the cover of a Ladybird book, the smell of dulse, or even simply my mum scolding me for not turning the kitchen light off can instantly take me back ... back to the good old days.' Stephen Clements DJ Stephen Clements' breakfast slot on Q Radio has quickly become the most talked about radio show in the country. The items on the show that always get the best listener response are about memories of growing up - do you remember the slippery dip slide in Newcastle? What was your first car? Remember when Wham bars were as big as your hand? Back In Our Day is a celebration of all those memories of growing up here in Northern Ireland in the 1970s and 1980s. Covering everything from holidays (including both childhood holidays in Portrush and teenage trips to Kavos), staying in, going out, TV shows, and eating and drinking. Illustrated throughout with colour images (both archive and Stephen's family photographs), the book will be a perfect gift for anyone who loves looking back to the good old days.