On the Edge of Infinity
From Germany's bestselling popular science author, Stefan Klein - How a rose blossom can demonstrate that nothing and nobody exists on their own.
- How a hurricane can reveal the world's unpredictability.
- How the exploits of burglars in New York and London can demonstrate how everything can be in two places at once.
- How a DIY accident can prompt debate on whether the void can exist.
- How a greying beard might demonstrate the irreversibility of time.
Award-winning, bestselling German science author Stefan Klein employs stories about simple everyday items or occurrences as analogies to illuminate counterintuitive realities behind the visible world, revealing the astonishing beauty of the universe.
This book transforms a simple everyday thing such as a rose blossom, or a day of stormy weather, into a key to understanding the most complex ideas and theories in 21st century physics. Through clever use of analogy, Klein renders the complexities and intricacies of physics accessible to a reader with no previous knowledge of the subject. In doing so, he demonstrates that scientific progress is as much, if not more, about the unanswered questions, the dark corners, as it is about what we have discovered; our knowledge constitutes merely 'an island in an ocean of ignorance'.
A thought-provoking and original way in to the most intriguing scientific theories and ideas, designed to be accessible to anyone who has ever been curious about the workings of our universe.