There Are No Grown-Ups: A midlife coming-of-age story
You know you're a grown-up when...
·You become impatient while scrolling down to your year of birth.
· You’ve lost and gained the same 10lbs so many times you now regard it as an old friend.
· Your parents have stopped trying to change you.
· You don't want to be with the cool people anymore; you want to be with your people.
· You know that 'Soul mate' isn't a pre-existing condition. It's earned over time.
Does it ever feel like everyone - except you - is a bona-fide adult? Do you wonder how real grown-ups get to be so mysteriously capable and wise? When she turns 40, Pamela Druckerman - author of the #1 Sunday Times bestseller French Children Don't Throw Food - wonders whether her mind will ever catch up with her face. Waiters start calling her ‘Madame’, and she detects a disturbing new message in mens' gazes: I would sleep with her, but only if doing so required no effort whatsoever.
What are the modern forties, and what do we know once we reach them? What makes someone a ‘grown-up’ anyway? And why didn't anyone warn us that we'd get cellulite on our arms? There Are No Grown-Ups is a midlife coming-of-age story, a hilarious quest for wisdom, self-knowledge and the right pair of pants. It's a book for readers of all ages about - finally - becoming yourself.