Revista Idea Arta+Soc nr. 50

Revista Idea Arta+Soc nr. 50

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„Ce, cum, din ce interes se dau bani? De ce organizatorii (curatorii) au avut nevoie de «sprijin», vom gæsi oare în revis - te? Are protestatarul pe banii lui sorfli de izbîndæ? Se va uita cineva la el? Va avea unde sæ expunæ? Se va alia cineva cu el? De ce nu se gæsesc «interese» împotriva ordinii durate de atîta timp?“ “How, out of what interest and for what reasons they give out money? Will we find in magazines why organizers (curators) needed ’support’? Do protestors on their own money have any chance of victory? Will somebody look at them? Will they have where to exhibit? Will anybody create alliances with them? Why cannot one find ’inter - ests’ against the order built since ages?“ (Ion Grigorescu)

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