ABCD: When People Care Enough to ACT, Paperback
Developed in response to the question ""I love ABCD (Asset Based Community Development); what do I do Monday Morning?""--and based on Mike Green & Henry Moore's highly regarded work as ABCD organizers, consultants and trainers--these materials support a practical approach to creating community collaborations that work. Enriching each other, the book and the DVD provide clear exposition of ABCD organizing principles and best practices, examples of ABCD organizing in action, learning exercises, worksheets, and reflections from experienced practitioners of ABCD organizing. Main topics include: ABCD Principles & Practice - Discovering What People Care About - Mobilizing A Community's Assets - People & Programs: We Need Both - Leading By Stepping Back: The Role Of Governments & Agencies - Inclusion: There Is No One We Do Not Need - John Mc Knight's Reflections On ABCD organizing. Lessons from Ashville NC, Marque. e, MI, Laconia, NH, Savannah, GA, Ames, IO.