Hope Again, Paperback
Find hope to press on . . .Hope to endure . . .Hope to stay focused . . .Hope to see dreams fulfilled . . .Hope is more than mere wishful thinking. Hope is a vital necessity of life?a gift that God wants to give to you. And in a world that regularly writes dreams off as foolish and drains the hope from the heart with dark pessimism, Hope Again is a voice crying in the wilderness . . . a word of enthusiasm for life in the midst of any difficult situation you are in. Combining the New Testament teachings of Peter and the insights of one of the most popular authors of our day, Hope Again is an encouraging, enlivening, and refreshing look at why we can dare to hope no matter who we are, no matter what we face. As Charles Swindoll says, ""If you want to smile through your tears, if you want to rejoice through times of suffering, just keep reminding yourself that what you're going through isn't the end of the story, it's simply the rough journey that leads to the right destination.""