Different Schools for a Different World: (School Improvement for 21st Century Skills, Global Citizenship, and Deeper Learning) (Solutions for Creating, Paperback
This resource details six key arguments for why educators must approach school improvement differently in the 21st century: (1) information literacy, (2) the economy, (3) learning, (4) boredom, (5) innovation, and (6) equity. Learn how schools are tackling these six arguments head-on in order to help students grow into global citizens, critical thinkers, innovators, and literate content consumers. How this book will help you modernize your school culture and increase student success: Consider the factors that are preventing students from being successful in the global 21st-century world. Examine what makes traditional school improvement plans counterproductive. Learn about the common building blocks of deeper learning schools. Review the research that proves deeper learning environments enhance school results, such as student engagement and cultural competence. Study profiles of several deeper learning schools that epitomize the kinds of diverse organizational and instructional models emerging around the world. Contents Introduction Chapter 1: The Information Literacy Argument Chapter 2: The Economic Argument Chapter 3: The Learning Argument Chapter 4: The Boredom Argument Chapter 5: The Innovation Argument Chapter 6: The Equity Argument Chapter 7: The Alternative Epilogue References and Resources