The Global Educator: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning and Teaching, Paperback
Our children are at an advantage when they experience other cultures and develop skills in a connected world. They are better prepared to be productive and compassionate citizens in an increasingly global economy, and they are able to improve their communication skills, collaborate effectively and be ready for multicultural workspaces. Empowering educators with the tools to foster this environment in the classroom is a critical part of the process. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has been leading the way in this field. As part of its extensive publishing program, ISTE will be releasing in July 2016 The Global Educator: Leveraging Technology for Collaborative Learning & Teaching by Julie Lindsay. In The Global Educator, Lindsay illustrates the need for intercultural understanding and collaboration to personalize learning, achieve curriculum objectives and bring the world to our students by answering these key questions: How imperative is it that educators connect themselves and their classrooms to the world?What emerging education leadership styles are shifting pedagogy and why should we be taking notice of this?What are the essential benefits of embedding online global collaboration into the curriculum?What are simple steps that educators in the classroom can take to become more globally minded and start to change their practice?How are emerging digital technologies supporting this move to online global learning and collaboration? In addition to answering these questions, the book provides practical resources and powerful case studies from educators and education leaders in the United States and throughout the world who are forging connections across the globe, embedding these practices into current curriculum objectives and providing their students with invaluable educational experiences, including: -- more -- Yvonne Marie Andres, a California-based global collaboration expert and co-founder of Global School Net, which has been at the fo