Again and Again God Answers Prayer, Paperback
There are those who go through life never realizing the power of prayer. We were not purposed to tackle lifes situations and problems on our own. We have an advocate, the Holy Spirit, who empowers us in prayer. But you will receive power when the Holy Ghost comes upon you; and you will be my witnesses, in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1: 8 NIV). We can change situations and turn the very obstacles of adversity in another direction. Throughout this book, you will read of instances where God has repeatedly answered prayer. At one time, He took a heart that was devoted to him to meet a need because of prayer. Through prayer, God signified his unmerited love. And still yet, God answers prayer in a most astounding way, using one vessel to speak to another vessel who heard his word and acted on it. We serve an almighty God who loves us unconditionally. His word never fails. Prayer is the key that unlocks every door to answered prayers. Just knowing that God will show up and answer prayer is comforting, but it can be the most exciting when we encounter him in a most unassuming way. Again and again, God answers prayer.