Never Again !: A Program for Survival, Paperback
Includes a detailed discussion of the philosophy of the JDL, and relates the history of Jewish oppression and the need to fight back. A must read for anyone concerned with justice and the fight against oppression. From the back cover of Never Again: Will Jews once again meekly submit or will they stand and fight? This is the question that Rabbi Meir Kahane asks the American Jewish community in a book controversial and explosive for what it dares to say as The Autobiography of Malcolm X and Soul On Ice were for their defiant and passionate messages. Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, shows how the older generation of American Jewry has abandoned and betrayed their fellow Jews, their personal heritage, and their children's identities in their rush for respectability and assimilation. He details how the dormant tiger of anti-Semitism is once again rousing itself and stalking the land. And he vividly describes what is being done and must be done to re-assert Jewish pride and power, so that Jews will answer with one voice when asked again go to the slaughter - Never Again