ACT Questions and Answers: A Practitioner's Guide to 150 Common Sticking Points in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Paperback
Renowned ACT expert Russ Harris presents easy-to-read Q&A sessions to uncover the most common ways clients and practitioners get stuck when using ACT, how to get unstuck, and how to transform that ""stuckness"" into powerful personal growth. Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a highly effective, evidence-based treatment for a number of mental health issues--from depression to addiction--that focuses on mindfulness, client values, and a commitment to change. It also provides innovative tools, techniques, and strategies for promoting psychological flexibility and profound behavioral change. However, there are several challenges and frustrations that can arise when delivering ACT in-session. In the tradition of the hugely popular professional guide ACT Made Simple, ACT Questions and Answers offers practical tools for overcoming common sticking points in-session. You'll find effective tips and strategies for moving past misconceptions about mindfulness and acceptance, how to deal with reluctant or unmotivated clients, and how to break down communication barriers that can stand in the way of progress. You'll also find links to free downloadable resources. If you are new to ACT--or just want to improve your delivery--this easy-to-read reference guide will help you troubleshoot common in-session challenges and help your clients achieve lasting change.