Brilliant: Made in the Image of God, Hardcover
This coffee-table-sized hardcover uses a timeline of scientific and archaeological facts to validate that the Creation account of the Bible is accurate. Cultures throughout the world are filled with mysteries which do not fit the pervasive evolutionary time-frame, but make perfect sense if the Biblical timeline of history is accepted. Brilliant takes the Bible seriously and every page contains an artifact from some ancient culture testifying to the reality of these true events of history. Every two-page spread is a different topic filled with revelations showing that the biblical timeline is correct and the millions-of-years evolutionary time-frame could not possibly be true. For instance: - Soft, non-decayed dinosaur tissue has been documented inside of numerous dinosaur bones. This is absolutely impossible if these bones are millions of years old but perfectly fits the burial of dinosaurs 4350 years ago during Noah's flood. Yet professors showing this information to students have been fired. Other pages display ancient burial stones from Peru revealing drawings of dinosaurs and ancient medical technology - both testifying to mankind's brilliance and recent creation. - The ice age was a direct consequence of the global flood. This is carefully explained and documented throughout the book. Following the flood, mankind was traveling the world looking for places to settle and seeking new sources of raw materials. One page documents an ancient map showing the coastline of Antarctica BEFORE it was covered by ice of the ice age. Modern textbooks place the start of the ice age starting 200, 000 years ago - making this map impossibility. The Bible would place the ice age after the flood - meaning the existence of this map confirms biblical reality because people after the flood would have been exploring this area before it was covered with ice and documented what they found. - Carbon-14 levels would have radically shifted following the flood and the implications of this are