James, First, Second, and Third John, Paperback

James, First, Second, and Third John, Paperback

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In this addition to the successful Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, two respected scholars and Bible teachers interpret James and First, Second, and Third John from within the living tradition of the Church. The commentary provides crisp explanations of the text with helpful sidebars and ideas for application to enrich preaching, group Bible study, and personal reflection. This volume presents excellent biblical scholarship in a format accessible to laypeople with no special training in biblical studies.

Pe aceeași temă

Kelly Anderson

Antje Szillat Jan Birck,Florin Horvath,Dr. David Reuben,Marina Anderson,Mira Kelley

Antje Szillat Jan Birck,Florin Horvath,Dr. David Reuben,Marina Anderson,Mira Kelley,Allan Percy,Antoon Krings,Jim Baggott,Stephen King,Vianna Stibal,James Hillman,Mihail Sadoveanu

Antje Szillat Jan Birck,Florin Horvath,Dr. David Reuben,Marina Anderson,Mira Kelley,Allan Percy,Antoon Krings,Jim Baggott,Stephen King,Vianna Stibal,James Hillman,Mihail Sadoveanu,Eric Emmanuel Schmitt,Helene Courtois,Gabrielle Bernstein