Life Lessons from the Hive, Paperback
What can bees teach us about the Kingdom of God? Actually, quite a lot. Life Lessons from the Hive explores the fulfillment of Paul's statement: ""All creation testifies to the glory of God."" Each of the 30 cleverly illustrated chapters draws thought-provoking parallels between life in the hive and life as a Christ-follower. ""Don't be afraid,"" says Miller in her book as she lifts the lid of the hive for the reader to have a face to face encounter with honey bees and with God. With her easy-going manner she explains the fascinating life of bees as they efficiently work in harmony and seek out the flower's nectar to transform it into honey, nature's perfect food. God does reveal Himself in nature so it shouldn't surprise us that He would use bees and honey to teach lessons about His Kingdom. Life Lessons from the Hive is a one-of-a-kind book that illuminates the amazing community of endangered honey bees. Whether you're an experienced beekeeper or not a beekeeper at all, you'll walk away with a new appreciation and, yes, even affection for the honey bees and, of course, their Creator. This humorously illustrated book safely introduces us to the inner workings of a beehive, without the threat of getting stung.