Brain Talk: How Mind Mapping Brain Science Can Change Your Life & Everyone in It, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: David Schnarch Phd Have you ever done something you knew would make someone else happy, sad or angry? Have you ever bought a thoughtful gift for someone you love? Or realized someone was being sarcastic with you? Or enjoyed someone else's misfortune? These everyday events involve mind mapping, your brain's ability to create mental pictures of how someone else's mind works. Mind mapping underlies all aspects of daily life, from the best to the worst. You won't find an aspect of your life where mind mapping isn't involved-and you probably never heard about mind mapping before Brain Talk offers what you need to know about mind mapping and the emerging brain science of interpersonal neurobiology (how interacting with other people affects your brain). Brain Talk is written for the general public in an easy-to-read style and establishes a personal relationship with you. It creates vivid pictures in your mind with attention-grabbling examples, and walks you into powerful new insights about yourself and the important people in your life. Reading Brain Talk can be a life-changing experience. -Part One explains mind mapping and increases your ability to ""read"" people and map their minds (and your own). It helps you know what they want, what they're feeling and thinking, and what they're likely to do. Part One also covers mind masking (shielding your mind from being mapped), lying and deception. Brain Talk revolutionizes your understandings of yourself, your spouse or romantic partner, and your children, parents, siblings, and coworkers. -Part Two explores the darker aspects of mind mapping, like traumatic mind mapping and antisocial empathy. Traumatic mind mapping occurs when mapping some else's mind leaves your brain/mind traumatized. Did you grow up in a troubled home with experiences that produced vivid ""flashbulb memories"" lingering in your mind? Do you have recurring thoughts about someone you're dealing with who does disturbing things? Brain Talk hel