Seeing Is Believing: Experience Jesus Through Imaginative Prayer, Paperback
Awards Award of Merit (2005) - Christianity Today Book Award - (Spirituality) Contributor(s):Author: Gregory A. Boyd One of the most common problems with Christians in our modern secularized world is that they don't feel the reality of Jesus. Sure, they believe in him and love him, but he somehow doesn't seem to enter their daily lives in a real sense. Some might say, ""You ought to pray more."" Others would advise, ""You ought to witness more."" While this may be true, we don't get closer to God just because we ""ought to."" Boyd believes that the way to true spiritual transformation and feeling the presence of God in your life comes from a little R and R: rest and reality. Boyd encourages readers to stop striving and learn to rest in an experience of Jesus as real. The best way to do this, he says, is through imaginative prayer. Experiencing Jesus will teach readers how to use God's gracious gift of creative imagination to know him better and feel his presence in their daily lives.  Review citations Publishers Weekly / Best Of The Best/Highly Recommended - pg. 72 - 02/23/2004Publishers Weekly / Exceptional Presentation - pg. 72 - 02/23/2004Publishers Weekly / Book Of Special Distinction - pg. 72 - 02/23/2004Publishers Weekly / Top 15 Book Of The Year - pg. 72 - 02/23/2004Publishers Weekly / Highly Recommended - pg. 72 - 02/23/2004Christianity Today - pg. 68 - 05/01/2004