2017 TExES English as a Second Language (ESL) (154), Paperback
The newest edition of this book has a number of updates in the areas of English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS), Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), cooperative learning, cultural sensitivity, and technology in the ESOL classroom. In addition, the authors of this new edition have paid close attention to feedback that was received on the previous version of this book. With new and improved content and practice tests, we are confident this study guide will assist you in achieving success on your certification exam. Specific areas that have been updated include: -New practice tests -English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) -Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) -Structure of the English language (e. g., word formation, grammar, vocabulary and syntax) -Patterns and conventions of written and spoken English -Foundation of English mechanics necessary to understand content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English -Design and implementation of appropriate instruction to address the proficiency level descriptors for the beginning, intermediate, advanced and advanced-high levels in the listening and speaking domains -Individual differences (e. g., developmental characteristics, cultural and language background, academic strengths, learning styles) -Effective practices, resources, and materials for providing content-based ESL instruction, engaging students in critical thinking, and developing students' cognitive academic language proficiency -Updated, current, relevant vocabulary terms and references