Sophomore: Stepping Into Maturity: A 30-Day Devotional for Sophomores, Paperback
YOU'RE NO LONGER THE NEW KID ON CAMPUS. But you also don't run the show. Welcome to your sophomore year of high school. Some teenagers view this as their year to waste, but it's really your chance to be different, to find ways to step into maturity, to look for opportunities to help others, and to prepare for your elevation into the upper classes next year. Lars Rood is your guide for this journey. He's a pastor and a former teacher, so he's talked with lots of sophomores who've wrestled with this unique season: What role do your friends play in your life? How do you make decisions? Which people are in your crowd? Who are your role models? What life-shaping habits are you developing? Each entry in this devotional will help you walk through an important moment, issue, challenge, or opportunity that defines your sophomore year. Lars will also offer ideas on living out what you believe. In other words, this isn't just a book you read--it's a book that leads to action.