Perfectly Imperfect: Character Sketches from the Old Testament, Paperback
How can someone be perfectly imperfect? Isn't that a contradiction? The Bible is filled with stories of people with all kinds of flaws and imperfections. The astounding thing is what happens when God changes their lives. Perfectly Imperfect is about people whose true-to-life stories are found in the Old Testament. They are like us in many ways--confused, tempted, and often afraid. They are flawed, real people, but then God enters their lives and everything changes. Through the examples of Abraham, Moses, Rahab, and many others, we learn how God works with us. We discover something about the way God transforms us from what we are into what we can be. In these sometimes tragic and broken lives, we get a glimpse of how God renews us and remakes us into people who are perfectly imperfect. Reviews: David Busic rises to the challenge of bringing fresh insights to familiar passages. This is transformational biblical teaching of the highest order. --Craig Detweiler, Ph DAssociate Professor of Communication, Pepperdine University In Perfectly Imperfect, basing his conversational-styled presentation on solidly grounded biblical interpretation, Busic brings the narratives to life. It vividly demonstrates that even the most familiar stories of Scripture are filled with fresh and applicable meaning. --Timothy Green, Ph DDean of Millard Reed School of Theology I thoroughly enjoyed reading Prefectly Imperfect. I read a chapter or two a day and look forward to picking up the book each day.--Dr. David Mc Kellips District Superintendent, Northeast Oklahoma