Ambiguous Terrains: An Interspiritual Journey to Judaism, Paperback
A longed-for meeting between a woman and her birth family spurs fantasies of a ""happily ever after"" utopian togetherness....a secret longing that may exist within the hearts of many with an adoption, relinquishment, and reunion experience. Instead, and unknown to her at the time, that longed-for meeting would actually serve as the catalyst for stepping onto the wanderer's path. A path of spiritual awakening, and, in some instances, remembering, that would involve walking into the deepest, and sometimes, treacherous, of ambiguous terrains. A path guided by totemic sages of diverse spiritual practices that would lead to a far different reunion: reconnection with The Creator....though more as a partner and less than a parent. And a path, concealed from that initial reunion day, that would eventually reveal itself via embracing a home within the heart and soul of Judaism.