History and Class Consciousness, Paperback
History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics (German: Geschichte und Klassenbewutsein: Studien Uber marxistische Dialektik) is a 1923 book by the Hungarian philosopher Gy Orgy Luk Acs, in which Luk Acs re-emphasizes Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's influence on Karl Marx, analyses the concept of class consciousness, and attempts a philosophical justification of Bolshevism. History and Class Consciousness, which helped to create Western Marxism, is the book for which Luk Acs is best known, and some of his pronouncements have become famous. Nevertheless, History and Class Consciousness was condemned in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and Luk Acs later repudiated its ideas, and came to believe that in it he had confused Hegel's concept of alienation with that of Marx. It has been suggested that the concept of reification as employed in Martin Heidegger's Being and Time (1927) shows the strong influence of History and Class Consciousness, though such a relationship remains disputed. (wikipedia. org)