Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World: A Guide for Activists and Their Allies, Paperback
``pattrice jones sets the stage to begin healing the trauma associated with not just resisting oppression and injustice, but having to experience it. She offers real steps toward recognizing and correcting the problems facing humans, our planet and our animal relations. This book is a light in the dark for those of us who have dared to challenge the status quo.``--Jeffrey ``Free`` Luers, Imprisoned Eco-Activist``pattrice jones has her finger on the pulse of the real America . . . a country teeming with homeless shelters, alcohol and drug rehab centers, rape crisis hotlines, battered women's shelters, prisons, law enforcement agents, and soldiers. Aftershock is a manual for the many wounded souls seeking to survive such trauma and to participate in the struggle for a more just society.``--Mickey Z., author of The Seven Deadly Spins and 50 American Revolutions You're Not Supposed to Know``Listen to pattrice. pattrice jones is one of the most important new voices in the animal liberation movement.``--Josh Harper, SHAC7Aftershock is about the real war against terror--the struggle for a world in which nobody lives in fear of atrocities perpetrated by human beings. Every day, people who push against violence and injustice or pull for peace and freedom must face their own fears. Many activists also must struggle with ``aftershock,`` the physical and emotional reverberations of frightening, horrifying, or otherwise traumatizing experiences endured in the course of their activism. This book is for aftershocked activists and their allies, as well as for people and organizations that practice high-risk activism. It includes practical tips for individuals, organizations, and communities, as well as information about how traumatic events affect our bodies and abilities. Aftershock explores the culture of trauma that people have created through our violent exploitation of the Earth, other animals, and one another. As long as we continue to perpetrate such violations, we will never