Una Fe Bien Construida / A Well-Built Faith: Guia Catolica Para Conocer y Compartir Lo Que Creemos / A Catholic's Guide to Knowing and Sharing What We, Paperback
La ensenanza de la fe catolica se puede convertir en un autentico reto si no la conoces adecuadamente. Ademas, considerando que el Catecismo de la Iglesia tiene mas de 900 paginas, no hay que extranarse si los catolicos sufren para comprender su fe. Una fe bien construida --desarrollado con enorme creatividad usando metaforicamente el tema de la construccion-- facilita enormemente a los catolicos el conocimiento de su fe y les da seguridad al momento de compartirla. En 18 capitulos el maestro catequista Joe Paprocki repasa las cuatro partes del Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica (Credo, sacramentos, moral y oracion), convirtiendo este libro en una maravillosa, simpatica y abundante fuente de informacion sobre la fe catolica. Una fe bien construida tiene que ser un libro de referencia obligada para crecer en la fe catolica. Teaching the Catholic faith can be quite a challenge if you lack an adequate understanding of the Catholic faith yourself. And given the fact that the Catechism of the Catholic Church is over 900 pages in length, it's no wonder that Catholics struggle to comprehend their faith. A Well-Built Faith--creatively developed around a construction theme--makes it easy for Catholics to know what they believe and to feel confident in sharing those beliefs. This 18-chapter book by master teacher Joe Paprocki follows the structure of the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer), making it a wonderful resource for learning about and teaching the Catholic faith. Highly informative and very fun at the same time, A Well-Built Faith is a must-have tool for developing the Catholic faith.