Listening to God in Difficult Times: Jeremiah, Paperback
With sales of more than 1. 4 million copies, Kay Arthur's deeply enriching New Inductive Study Series is nearing completion. In this newest study, readers will mine gems of truth from the book of Jeremiah using the hands-on process of observation, interpretation, and application to dig through the text. Jeremiah's warnings to a nation that has turned its back on the Lord echo through the ages and speak to cultures today. As readers see the prophet's heartbreak at the nation's apostasy, his sense of urgency, and the resistance he faces, they will identify with God's people throughout the ages and receive assurance that nothing happening today is taking God by surprise. Even in the darkest seasons, readers can be confident that evil will be judged, righteousness will be rewarded, and God's plans for His people--to give them a future and a hope--stand firm.