Sound Doctrine (P), Paperback
In recent years, law enforcement has suffered a number of tactical fiascoes. Officers and agencies have been the subject of civil and criminal sanctions, public confidence has deteriorated and lives have been lost. Unlke most tactical books, which teach tactics as a ``skill set,`` this book emphasizes an intuitive application of fundamental principles. These principles have evolved over centuries of tactical opeations and form a body of ``sound doctrine.`` Heal not only presents a distillation of the more than ninety tactical texts, but provides an insightful and compelling call for rethinking tactics of law enforcement. Assuming no prior experience or understanding of tactical matters, Heal draws from everyday life such as competitive games, driving, or planning a vacation to show how to reconceptualize a difficult situation. Because of the fundamental concepts Heal explores apply to all types of emergencies, Sound Doctrine is suitable for not only law enforcement, but firefighters, private security, and other emergency responders.