Beyond Betrayal: How God Is Healing Women and Couple's from Infidelity, Paperback
Sexual addiction and infidelity have reached epidemic proportions. The result is devastation, not just to men's souls, but also their wives' hearts. And while betrayed wives have an excruciating road ahead of them, many are learning that God is faithful to heal... and even redeem. Beyond Betrayal interweaves the stories of betrayed wives - including the author's personal story - with the latest research on sexual addiction and partner trauma. That research includes the largest survey to-date of wives of sex addicts - a study conducted specifically for this book. Wherever a woman is on her journey, Beyond Betrayal offers her clear, realistic guidance on how to move forward into the healing God has for her. The stories recounted are authentic and grace-filled -- because we've all messed up in our pain and we all struggle with issues such as anger, boundaries and forgiveness. Despite this, God's arms are wide-open and He is actively working to bring us to new levels of faith, wholeness and maturity: as individuals, couples, families and communities. With a foreword by author, Marsha Means, A Circle of Joy ministries ""Lisa Taylor captures the pain a family goes through during betrayal trauma, AND, the hope that they can find in a journey of healing. This book is powerful and written by a lady who is committed to bring hope and healing to your heart."" - Richard Blankenship, Author of ""Spouses of Sex Addicts: Hope for the Journey""; President, International Association of Certified Sex Addiction Specialists ""Beyond Betrayal is a needed and welcome addition for partners of sex addicts. Using vulnerability, wisdom and insight, Taylor skillfully guides readers through the often circuitous path leading to life 'beyond betrayal.'"" - Donna M Dixon, CLC, CPCSAS author of Door of Hope, PSA Peer Facilitator Training Guide ""Beyond Betrayal presents the truth in a way that so many other books I've read on this topic haven't. I felt reassured and comforted throughout reading it: a sen