My Daily Catholic New Testament-Nab, Paperback
The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life (John 6: 63). In less time than it takes to drink a cup of coffee, walk around the block, wash the dishes, play a video game, or fix and eat a snack, you can get a daily dose of God's saving grace through the New Testament. Embrace the story of salvation through the life and words of Christ in 7-minute intervals with My Daily Catholic Bible: New Testament. Begin any day of the year and continue at whatever pace suits you best. Enjoy two readings per day with an insightful quote from a saint as well as room for notes and a place for a check mark to track your progress. Jesus Christ waits to meet you again and again in the pages of this sacred book. If you seek Him in Scripture and prayer every day, I guarantee that you will encounter Him in ways you never dreamed of before, and you will never be the same again. From the Editor's Introduction