Don't Waste Your Life, Paperback
Based on John Piper's best-selling book, this special DVD supplement guides small groups and classes to make their lives count for eternity. Most people spend their lives on trivial diversions, seeking to gain comfort and pleasure for themselves. But Jesus said, ""Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it."" If the path to God-exalting joy and purpose is to ""lose"" your life rather than to waste it, then this Group Study Edition and the other components in the newly designed Don't Waste Your Life Group Study Kit are essential. Based on John Piper's best-selling book Don't Waste Your Life, this special volume is divided into ten chapters to accompany his ten DVD presentations. Combined with the other kit materials, the Group Study Edition will help churches, small groups, and teachers warn people away from a life that counts for nothing-and into a life that means everything.