Ordinary Graces: Word Gifts for Any Season, Paperback
Everyone loves to receive a gift. And God has given us many, such as his grace--the gift we don't deserve and can never earn. Promises from the One who declares we are already loved, already accepted, already created in his image. The question becomes, will we truly receive that gift? Will the reality of it actually change the way we think and notice and reach out? God's Word will stand forever, in any season of life. These truths prompt us to respond with compassion and courage. Through inspiring devotions, Lucinda Secrest Mc Dowell reveals biblical blessings that remind us that: God's promises give us strength, God's grace can be most evident at our weakest points, a proper response to our abundance of blessings is simply gratitude, and the ``more`` we are all looking for is the same abundant life that Jesus came to give us. Would you like to receive these gifts of ordinary grace? Join Lucinda in focusing on one word a day through devotional readings and short benedictions for any and every season to explore the many facets of Grace, Strength, Gratitude, and Life. Ordinary Graces is filled with sweet surprises. Lucinda Secret Mc Dowell presents her readers with one powerful word gift a day. She skillfully defines it within a biblical context, and then challenges us to take an action step. This devotional will transform the way you live each day. I highly recommend it --Carol Kent, speaker and author He Holds My Hand Author Lucinda Secrest Mc Dowell has given us an extraordinary book with her newest release, Ordinary Graces, Word Gifts for Any Season. Although this wonderful resource is one you'll always want close at hand, it's also one that you'll find yourself sharing with those you meet who need encouragement and hope. Mc Dowell is an author you'll turn to again and again when you're looking to connect with our Heavenly Father in a deeper, more intimate way. Truly a book that is a gift to us all. --Edie Melson, Award Winning Author, Blogger, and Speaker Lucinda alw