The Soul of Christmas, Hardcover
""If you enter the spirit of Christmas, the child could be born in you. You have a chance to rise above the unconsciousness that is widespread in the world today."" With his trademark blend of storytelling, faith, and psychological insight, New York Times bestselling author Thomas Moore turns his poetic attention to the most enduring story of them all: the birth of Christ in Bethlehem. Carefully and lovingly, he looks at passages from the Gospels, both canonical and non-canonical, comparing them to archetypal stories and ancient myths in order to understand his own beliefs and to gaze in wonder at the Holy Child. Christmas, says Moore, belongs to everyone. It has meaning only as a plan for the entire human race. Christmas shouldn't be sentimentalized or turned into consumer frenzy: ""The child lying in the manger is perhaps the most radical of all spiritual reformers."" The Christ Child reminds us of the infinite possibilities of life available to us, and we celebrate that vitality in the season of good cheer, gift-giving, and community. Christmas also offers an opportunity to get in touch with our own mystical side, to recreate the Nativity in our hearts. ""If we could but mix just a small measure of the child's naivete with an intelligent appreciation of the traditional Christmas symbols, myths, and images,"" Moore asserts, ""we might be surprised at the profundity."" The enchantment of Christmas is a taste of what is possible if human beings could really love each other. The infant in the manger symbolizes new life, the potential all human beings have to be a new kind of being dedicated to agape, a love of the other--whoever that ""other"" may be. This may be the most profound reflection on the meaning of Christmas in a generation.