Circle of Intrigue: The Hidden Inner Circle of the Global Illuminati Conspiracy, Paperback
Cloaked in mystery and shrouded in secrecy, ten ruthless men comprise the ""Inner Circle"" of the Illuminati conspiracy. In this explosive book, based on over nine years of intense, investigative research, Texe Marrs exposes the diabolical Plan which these evil men call their ""Great Work."" He unmasks their occult religion and discloses how this hidden group meets privately behind closed doors and issues strict orders to a network of agents and associates spread throughout the globe. The Inner Circle sets the agenda for such notorious organizations as the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderbergers, the Priory of Sion, the Order of the Skull and Bones, and the Grand Lodges of Freemasonry. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the Russian KGB, and British Intelligence also work for the Inner Circle and enforce its directives. Presidents, prime ministers, and dictators alike bow to this hidden group and plot together World Government. Does the Inner Circle also control President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Senate Leader Trent Lott, General Colin Powell, and billionaire Ross Perot? Circle of Intrigue reveals the shocking truth about the World Conspiracy and warns of the cosmic destiny of this murderous clique of super-rich conspirators. Will their despicable plot succeed? Have they decreed bloodshed for America's future? Will you end up one of their victims?