Warrior Renew: Healing from Military Sexual Trauma, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: Lori S. Katz Author: Jane Hammerslough Knowing the results of Dr. Katz work and the many lives that she has changed, I feel delighted to endorseher] Warrior Renew workbook for men and women seeking healing from MST. Although the high prevalence rates of MST are discouraging, I am confident that Warrior Renew can reach many, many MST survivors and provide the hope and healing that they need.-Lt. Col. Patricia Jackson-Kelley Los Angeles County Veterans Advisory Commission Quotes from Past Participants: Thank you for your efforts in turning my life around. I have faith now that my life will be as it should have been. I've gotten hope back. It truly does work. I know now that I can conquer anything I put my heart and mind to. This (program) has saved my broken life. You've helped me immensely, by healing from the inside out Thank you Hundreds of thousands of US military personnel have been victims of sexual assault and harassment. This client workbook is an essential part of an integrative, evidence-based treatment developed over many years by Lori S. Katz, Ph D, to help survivors of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). The only workbook of its kind, it provides a wide range of therapeutic exercises and activities to help survivors restore their sense of safety and reclaim their lives. These include obtaining an in-depth understanding of MST, opportunities for self-discovery, and engaging the body with movement and relaxation exercises in a context of support, caring, and validation. This workbook is designed to help MST survivors understand normal reactions to MST and how to manage them. Readers will learn how to release the grips of anger and resentment, injustice, betrayal, self-blame, shame, and grief. They will learn how to deal with such physical symptoms as sleep problems and stress and engage in assessment of their own interpersonal patterns. The book also explores the impact of MST on relationships and how to cultivate and sustain healthy relationships