Ghazali on the Principles of Islamic Sprituality: Selections from the Forty Foundations of Religion--Annotated & Explained, Paperback
The wisdom of one of the greatest scholars of Islam can be a companion on your own spiritual journey. Considered by many to be the all-time greatest scholar of Islam, Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111) was also one of the foremost sages of theology, philosophy and Sufism. His writings on the interrelation of law, theology and mysticism were central in establishing Sufism as a core dimension of orthodox Islamic practice. Muslim communities all across the world today still base much of their practice of Islam on Ghazali's writings. The Forty Foundations of Religion, Ghazali's own summary of his magnum opus, The Revival of the Religious Sciences, serves as a brief and powerful summary of Islamic faith, worship, law and spirituality. It outlines the basis of Islamic belief, the foundational matters of ritual and practice, and the character traits a person must cultivate and avoid in the perfection of faith. Now you can experience the wisdom of Ghazali even if you have no previous knowledge of The Forty Foundations of Religion or Islam. This Sky Light Illuminations edition--the first publication of significant portions of The Forty Foundations of Religion in English--provides original translations of selected highlights accompanied by insightful commentary that makes the core message of this great spiritual master relevant to anyone seeking a balanced understanding of Islam.