Secret Charlotte: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure, Paperback
Where in Charlotte can you]] - get up-close with the ``Miracle on the Hudson`` plane? - indulge in conspiracy theories about occult symbols in public murals? - see a giant head sculpture by a notorious Czech artist? - eat something called burgushi? - hear a parking garage that sings? - watch a giant dragon blow smoke? - visit the grave of cojoined twin sisters who were the inspiration for a Broadway musical? Whether you're riding at top speeds around the 24-degree bank of a NASCAR track turn, exploring the history of Charlotte's gold rush and the 17-pound nugget that started it all, or eating ice cream at a Dairy Queen that's a designated historic site, it's impossible to be bored in the Queen City with a copy of Secret Charlotte: A Guide to the Weird, Wonderful, and Obscure. From delightful surprises to hair-raising theories, in these pages you'll find answers to the questions around town you didn't even know you had. Filled with fascinating-and often bizarre-stories about the...