Praying the Word: Illuminated Prayers and Wisdom from the Saint John's Bible, Hardcover
2009 Catholic Press Association Award Winner The magnificent text treatments found within The Saint John's Bible were created to honor some of the most cherished prayers and wisdom texts of the Bible. With unique calligraphy and colorful embellishments, these text treatments give life to the passages they reveal. A collection of these glorious portrayals of our faith can now be found in the new book, Praying the Word: Illuminated Prayers and Wisdom from The Saint John's Bible. This exquisite treasury follows the tradition of lectio divina and serves as a companion for personal prayer and meditation. The beautiful hardcover design features a cloth finish with slipcase and ribbon bookmark. Praying the Word embodies the significance of prayer life and makes a wonderful gift at confirmations, weddings, and other special occasions in the lives of family and friends. Special Features: Contains more than 25 text treatment reproductions from The Saint John's Bible Hardcover, bound in beautiful saifu cloth Slipcase Ribbon bookmark Full color throughout Beatitudes from Gospels and Acts--Matthew 5: 3-12 Canticle of Mary from Gospels and Acts--Luke 1: 46-55 Canticle of Zechariah from Gospels and Acts--Luke 1: 68-79 You Shall Love the Lord Your God from Gospels and Acts--Matthew 22: 37-40 Hear, O Israel from Gospels and Acts--Mark 12: 29-31 Canticle of Simeon from Gospels and Acts--Luke 2: 29-32 Lord's Prayer from Gospels and Acts--Matthew 6: 9-13 You Shall Love the Lord Your God from Gospels and Acts--Luke 10: 27 Those Who Believe In Me from Gospels and Acts--John 11: 25-26 Repent and Be Baptized from Gospels and Acts--Acts 2: 38 The Alien from Pentateuch--Leviticus 19: 34-35 The Lord Bless You from Pentateuch--Numbers 6: 24-26 Hear O Israel from Pentateuch--Deuteronomy 6: 4-5 I Cal Heaven and Earth from Pentateuch--Deuteronomy 30: 19-20 Make Yourselves Clean from Prophets--Isaiah 1: 16-17 He Shall Judge Between the Nations from Prophets--Isaiah 2: 4 Comfort, O Comfort My People from Prophets--I