STATS with Cats: The Domesticated Guide to Statistics, Models, Graphs, and Other Breeds of Data Analysis, Paperback
When you took statistics in school, your instructor gave you specially prepared datasets, told you what analyses to perform, and checked your work to see if it was correct. Once you left the class, though, you were on your own. Did you know how to create and prepare a dataset for analysis? Did you know how to select and generate appropriate graphics and statistics? Did you wonder why you were forced to take the class and when you would ever use what you learned? That's where ``Stats with Cats`` can help you out. The book will show you: How to decide what you should put in your dataset and how to arrange the data. How to decide what graphs and statistics to produce for your data. How you can create a statistical model to answer your data analysis questions. The book also provides enough feline support to minimize any stress you may experience. Charles Kufs has been crunching numbers for over thirty years, first as a hydrogeologist, and since the 1990s as a statistician. He is certified as a Six Sigma Green Belt by the American Society for Quality. He currently works as a statistician for the federal government and he is here to help you.