Police Exams Prep 2018-2019: 4 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies, Paperback
Kaplan's Police Exams Prep Plus 2018-2019 is your guide to acing the entrance exams for police departments across the United States. With up-to-date content review, realistic practice questions, and clear explanations, Police Exams Prep Plus is your complete guide to becoming a police officer. Kaplan is so certain that Police Exams Prep Plus offers the guidance you need that we guarantee it: After studying with our book, you'll pass the police exams--or you'll get your money back. Comprehensive Review4 full-length practice tests with complete answer explanations Diagnostic quiz to identify your strengths and weaknesses End-of-chapter quizzes Concise content review and test-taking strategies to help you make the most of your time Expert Guidance Kaplan's expert psychometricians make sure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test. We invented test prep--Kaplan (www. kaptest. com) has been helping students for almost 80 years. Our proven strategies have helped legions of students achieve their dreams.