Veterinary Clinical Parasitology (8th Ed.)
Contributor(s):Editor: Anne M. Zajac Editor: Gary A. Conboy Veterinary Clinical Parasitology, Eighth Edition, preparedunder the auspices of the American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists (AAVP), emphasizes the morphologic identificationof both internal and external parasites of domestic animals. Focusing on the tests and information most relevant to dailypractice, the book describes accurate, cost-effective techniquesfor diagnosing parasitic infections in animals. Including clear, easy-to-find information on the distribution, life cycle, andimportance of each parasite, Veterinary Clinical Parasitology offers more than 450 images to aid with diagnosis. The Eighth Edition includes a new chapter on immunologic andmolecular diagnosis, increased coverage of ticks and new sectionson identification of microfilariae and larvae in diagnosticsamples. The new edition also features expanded information onquantitative egg counts, detection of anthelmintic resistance andidentification of ruminant strongylid larvae. Additionalimprovements include many new images throughout the book, revisedtaxonomic information, a new layout featuring tabs by section toimprove user-friendliness, and a companion website offering theimages from the book in Power Point at www. wiley. com/go/zajac. Veterinary Clinical Parasitology is a highly practicalbenchside reference invaluable to clinicians, technicians, andstudents.  Review citations Reference and Research Bk News - pg. 253 - 04/01/2012