Why I Am a ''Liberal'' and Other Conservative Ideas, Paperback
In a delightfully refreshing and revealing tone, Piper exposes the potential fallacy in today's liberal academia and political spheres. He masterfully addresses educational, social, political, and religious issues that have shaped American culture. Liberal readers will be challenged to consider Dr. Piper's viewpoints and conservative readers will be thrilled to find words to express their frustrations with much of the current American culture. Dr. Piper speaks boldly and unapologetically on issues such as natural law, unalienable rights, self-evident truths, and the unavoidable consequences of ideas on personal, political, community, and corporate wellbeing. His commentary rhetorically confronts the reader to consider issues such as freedom, justice, common sense, human dignity, and moral objectivity. Piper is specifically passionate in arguing that postmodern political correctness is really nothing more than an unvarnished ploy to consolidate power among society's elites and to, thus, restrict the individual freedoms and rights of the general public.