Concert and Contest Collection for BB Tenor Saxophone: Solo Book Only, Paperback
(Rubank Solo Collection). This top-rated collection of solo literature from the celebrated Rubank catalog is known by teachers and students everywhere. Each edition offers a superb variety of solos customized for that instrument. Most state solo/ensemble contest lists include several solos from this collection. Also available: Piano Accompaniment Book (HL04471720) Solo Book with Online Media (Performance/Accompaniment Recordings (stream or download) and Printable Piano Accompaniments) (HL04002516) Contents: Adagio and Allegro (from Sonata No. 6 Handel) Allegretto (Arensky) Contradance (Mozart) First Concertino (Guilhaud) Gigue (from Partita III Bach) Menuetto and Presto (from Trio V Haydn) Novelette (Sporck) The Old Castle (from Pictures at an Exhibition Mussorgsky) Piece in G Minor (Pierne) Prelude and Allegro (Ostransky) Premiere Etude de Concours (Petit) Sinfonia (Arioso) (from Cantata No. 156 Bach) Two Little Tales (Desportes) Valse Nouvelle (from Album for the Young Tchaikovsky).