Fitnessgram Administration Manual with Web Resource: The Journey to Myhealthyzone, Paperback
The best just got better. Fitness Gram is the gold standard for assessing the health-related fitness and activity levels of youths. The Cooper Institute has updated the Fitness Gram Administration Manual with new material to ensure that Fitness Gram is the most comprehensive and informative program that can drive meaningful behavior change and set up children for a healthy future. The fifth edition of Fitness Gram Administration Manual: The Journey to My Healthy Zone offers K-12 teachers two primary assessment resources that allow them to produce individualized reports for each student in their class. Fitness Gram provides a complete battery of health-related fitness assessments that are scored using criterion-referenced Healthy Fitness Zone(R) standards. The standards are age and sex specific and are based on how fit children need to be for health. New to this fifth edition: - Audio of cadences and videos and photos for test protocols, making it easier for you to administer tests - A chapter on communicating with stakeholders (students, parents, faculty and staff, administrators, and the community) - A chapter on data mining and using data to inform your instruction and help you make sound curricular decisions - A design that enhances your ease in using the material and administering the tests You will learn how to administer the tests, interpret the results, and provide feedback to your students on their results. Fitness Gram Administration Manual also offers a web resource that includes video clips that demonstrate the assessments; audio for the PACER, curl-up, and push-up tests; and reproducible forms. Through Fitness Gram, you can assess children's fitness in these areas: - Aerobic capacity - Muscle strength - Muscular endurance - Flexibility - Body composition Several test options are provided for most of those areas; one test item is recommended. As a Fitness Gram user you also have access to everything the Presidential Youth Fitness Program has to offer. The President