Unshaven: Modern Women, Natural Bodies, Paperback
Unshaven is a fine art photography book celebrating women who do not shave their body hair. These empowered women pose in gorgeous outdoor California settings, baring for the vision of photographer Nikki Silver. Herself a hairy woman, Silver captures the free spirits and all-natural confidence of these amateur models. Her photos are erotic and feminist, revealing and defiant, and entirely unlike any nude portraits of women you have ever seen. An original essay from journalist and sexuality educator Tina Horn accentuates these provocative images. With humor, personal anecdotes, and elegant analysis, Horn's writing explores the many political and social implications of unshaven women. This insight is supplemented by thoughtful words on feminine body hair from the models themselves. Whether they are defying gender norms, rejecting consumer conformity, or developing a new kind of counter-culture body modification, the women of Unshaven may be the twenty-first century's post-modern heroines. Nikki Silver is a self-taught hairy pornography producer and model. Living a life of radical naturalism and free expression in both sexuality and art, she produces media that gives a voyeur's view into her world. A resident of Oakland, she is a feisty New York Jew who now refuses to leave the redwoods of California.