Created to Bow, Paperback
Fear. Perfectionism. Control. Do these words describe you, or are they depictions of someone you know? If you truly contemplate these words, you will discover that fear, perfectionism and control should be terms restrictive only to God. He, alone, is the only perfect One. He, alone, is sovereign and in complete control of all things; and, He, alone, is to be feared. Created to Bow is about knowing God's person and plan, and understanding both man's place and desperate need in regard to each. It's about the humility of God becoming Man in order to rescue man and man's prideful propensity and desire to be ``like the Most High.`` In essence, it is a workbook to teach the created the intended posture, place and purpose for which they were created-to bow before the Creator. Mendy Clark (DEd Min, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a Bible teacher, author, retreat speaker, educator and discipler of women. She is the founder, executive officer and lead teacher of Transforming the Heart Ministries. Transforming the Heart is a ministry dedicated to making disciples by equipping and training them using the biblical framework established in the all-sufficient Word of God. In addition to Created to Bow, Mendy is also the author of Transforming the Heart workbook.