101 Secrets to a Happy Marriage: Real Couples Share Keys to Their Success, Hardcover
What can happy couples tell you about having a happy marriage? A lot It's no secret that having a happy marriage doesn't happenall by itself. But there are secrets that help make marriage the best it canbe. Whether a newlywed or married for years, maintaining open communication takesthought, effort, and prayer101 Secrets to a Happy Marriage provides words of wisdom and anecdotes from eighty-seven coupleswho speak from real-life experience--ranging three to fifty years--for anyone whoneeds encouragement and proven advice to create a fulfilling and joyfulmarriage. Included are doses of humor and food for thought from bestsellingauthor Harry Harrison for fostering love, peace, and harmony every day for therest of your married life. Harry H. Harrison, Jr. isa nationally acclaimed author appearing on the NY Times and Booksense lists. He has over 3. 6 million books inprint featuring titles such as Father to Son, Father to Daughter, 1001 Things Happy Couples Know about Marriage, andmore. He and his wife, Melissa, have been married 43 years