The Invitation, Paperback
Have you ever had a hollow feeling in your heart about the futility of life?Have you ever asked yourself, Why am I here? Who brought me here? Could life be better? Is there something I am supposed to be doing? Am I on earth just to make money? What's the point in working so hard, only to die and leave everything behind? What happens when I die?Imagine you went to bed one day and miraculously woke up in a paradise where everything you ever wished for was available at your beck and call. You may enjoy the place but there will always be a void in your heart and a question on your mind, Why am I here?The answers to these questions lie in your response to the call or invitation of God. God placed you here on earth with a quest and has an assignment for you to accomplish within an allotted time. Your mission is greater than your mere existence. You have been invited and it has repercussions on you in time and eternity. What is going to be your response to the Invitation?