Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage: A 33-Day Self-Guided Retreat for Catholic Couples, Paperback
The ultimate goal for the Christian life is heaven, but what path should a couple take to get there? Dan and Amber De Matte, who have worked together in youth and family ministry for more than fifteen years, believe it's holiness--living as Jesus did. Giving and receiving love and living for the sake of others--especially your spouse and children--will help you achieve holiness, the De Mattes say. You can even find holiness in the everyday tasks of marriage and family life such as doing the dishes, changing diapers, and cleaning up messes. In The Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage, the De Mattes walk you through a thirty-three -day retreat that culminates in consecrating your marriage to Christ. They will help you achieve perfect love for each other, your family, and God by incorporating the virtues of poverty, chastity, and obedience into your life. This retreat will help you fall deeper in love with Christ, your spouse and children, and the world God calls you to serve. Each chapter includes discussion questions and a prayer for couples.