Critical Thinking Activities in Patterns Imagery & Logic Grade K/3 Copyright 1991, Paperback
Contributor(s):Author: Dale Seymour With: Ed Beardslee Too often, thinking skills have been overlooked or considered extra, something above and beyond the basic that must be taught. Teachers need to recognize that thinking skills are basic and critical thinking activities should be considered indispensable to the education of every child. These books present activities to help students develop their thinking and problem-solving skills using strategies that can help solve non-routine math problems. Students will use more than one strategy to arrive at a solution, and some of these strategies require that students use skills such as thinking visually, recognizing patterns, using logical reasoning, and doing organized counting--all of which are elements of critical thinking in mathematics. Critical Thinking Activities can be used as a supplement to an existing math curriculum to introduce, reinforce, and elaborate on specific critical thinking skills. The pages are designed to be reproduced for students to use as individual worksheets or problem cards. To view sample lessons and pages, click on the appropriate ISBN # below.