Master the PCAT, Paperback
Anyone hoping to get into a pharmacy school must take the PCAT-the Pharmacy College Admission Test, a standardized exam that measures the aptitude and skills of pharmacy school applicants. Peterson's Master the PCAT, 2nd Edition offers up-to-date, essential test prep for each of the subtests on the redesigned PCAT: Writing, Biological Processes, Chemical Processes, Biochemistry, Critical Reading, and Quantitative Reasoning. Packed with practice questions, as well as expert test-taking advice and thorough subject review, Peterson's Master the PCAT provides the essential preparation that test-takers need to score high. Readers will find helpful details about the PCAT-registration, scoring, and reporting of scores-plus any new changes to the exam. Multiple-choice practice tests provide detailed answer explanations to help test-takers score high on the exam. Over 1, 000 practice questions with detailed answer explanations for each of the subtests: Writing, Biological Processes, Chemical Processes, Biochemistry, Critical Reading, and Quantitative Reasoning Diagnostic test, with detailed answer explanations, to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses Two full-length practice test, with detailed answer explanations Expert test-taking and study tips Everything test-takers need to know about the PCAT-the latest changes, what's tested, how it's scored and reported, and how and where to register-essential information for anyone hoping to get into a pharmacy school