Math, Better Explained: Learn to Unlock Your Math Intuition, Paperback
""Math, Better Explained"" is a clear, intuitive guide to math topics essential for high school, college and beyond. Whether you're a student, parent, or teacher, this book is your key to unlocking the ahamoments that make math truly click -- and make learning enjoyable. The book intentionally avoids mindless definitions and focuses on building a deep, natural intuition so you can integrate the ideas into your everyday thinking. Its explanations on the natural logarithm, imaginary numbers, exponents and the Pythagorean Theorem are among the most-visited in the world. The topics in Math, Better Explained include: 1. Developing Math Intuition2. The Pythagorean Theorem3. Pythagorean Distance4. Radians and Degrees5. Imaginary Numbers6. Complex Arithmetic7. Exponential Functions & e8. The Natural Logarithm (ln) 9. Interest Rates10. Understanding Exponents11. Euler's Formula12. Introduction To Calculus The book is written as the author wishes math was taught: with a friendly attitude, vivid illustrations and a focus on true understanding. Learn right, not rote Selected testimonials: ""I have several books on calculus (Calculus for Dummys, Math for the Millions, etc. etc. - never was able to read them) but your explanation is what I have needed all these years."" - D. Hogg, Former Principal ""This is a great explanation I am 49 years old and have never known what e is all about. It is thanks to your article that I get it and now can explain it to my son who is 13 years old..."" - C. Dhaveji ""I've been following you for nearly two years...I find the intuitive approach to the subject and lucid writing unparalleled."" - D. Ezell